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Cheap School Holiday Ideas with The Kids

Cheap Fun With The Kids On School Holidays - Cigno Loans

Photo by Brandon Morgan on Unsplash

“Mum, I’m bored!” Are you wondering what to do with kids these school holidays? While camping out and going to the beach to swim are common, you can do other cheap & fun activities too! Here are some suggestions that will surely excite the kids and make lasting memories.

Fun competitions at home

Visit a local park

Go the extra mile, figuratively and literally, and visit a local park you’ve never been before. Search online for recommendations and choose one where there are climbing frame, water play, sand play, swings, and flying foxes. These can be a lot of fun for parents too!

Join them in picking up leaves around the park and do leaf rubbings. Put a leaf under a paper and rub a pencil or crayon across to make leaf imprint. Make a bunch of imprints then put it in frames or an album when you get home. You can also use these to make cards for any occasion or when you make a collage.

Later on, grab a pair of binoculars and go birdwatching. Make a list and look up information on the internet about the birds you saw. Who says holidays can’t be educational?

You and your kids can also go for a bike ride or rollerblading around the park. The family can also make their own kites and play with them. Or just let the kids run around and play while you relax under a tree.

A road trip involving ice cream

Turn ice cream into an adventure by going to a gourmet ice cream outlet not too close from home. Nothing excites kids more than delicious ice cream, the impressive kind you won’t get out of a supermarket tub or your local petrol station.

If it takes quite a while to get there, it will be a perfect time for talking or enjoying the car music. It will be worth the wait once you arrived at the destination because by then, the trip becomes about a lot more than the ice cream.

If you are still one of those parents trying to keep their cars reasonably clean, the kids can eat their ice creams while walking around and exploring the busy hub. Then you’ll have a group of happy and satisfied kids to drive back home. They may even fall asleep for a quick nap.

Community Events

Check out your local community calendar (often put up by your local council) and take the gang to the nearest community days being held. These kinds of events can include sports days, festivals, and interesting one-offs, all of which should be free to join. When money is tight, the last thing you’re going to feel like doing is going out on a spending spree with your credit cards and cash in hand. Community days are vibrant, all-day events that usually contribute to some form of great cause.

Listen to a Podcast for Kids

Don’t fancy going out? Save money by staying in instead! Podcasts are great because there are loads of publishers releasing great child-friendly entries that are free to listen to. They’ll be kept calm and peaceful for hours while safe and potentially learning from a wealth of valuable content.

Podcasts are usually always either filled with easily digestible lessons or are wildly entertaining. This one’s a life saver if you’ve had enough of hysteria and want a solid hour or two to unwind.

One of the best ways to save on your monthly costs is to cut back on pricey groceries. Take the kids out and they’ll likely be harassing you every time you pass something sweet looking. Keep them in for some great listening and you’ll steer clear of tempting treats.

Bake Something

Of all the constructive things you could do in the house, baking is perhaps one of the easiest to control in terms of spending limits. Bake bread and you’ll be pleasantly surprised with how affordable all the ingredients are. You could even save yourself a pretty penny by baking a large batch and freezing the excess for future meals. Things might get messy, but that’s half the fun!

Take a Trip to the Museum

Not only are museums great if you’re low on cash, but they’re also educational. Most large museums are free to enter and include collections large enough to keep your little learners occupied for most of the day. Bring a packed lunch to land extra savings!

Most indoor activities will cost you a small fortune for the whole family, so a museum a great option if you think you might struggle to make it to your next payday.

In recent years, our team at Cigno have seen a spike in the amount of school holiday loans we’ve had to help people with, so we know all about the financial pressure that a lot of parents will be feeling over the coming weeks. If you are experiencing financial need, feel free to apply for a short-term loan.

Disclaimer: Please be aware that Cigno Loans’ articles do not replace advice from an accountant or financial advisor. All information provided is intended to be used as a guide only, as it does not take into account your personal financial situation or needs. If you require assistance, it is recommended that you consult a licensed financial or tax advisor.

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