Cigno Australian Pty Ltd

Start An Online Business Today!

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Are you tired of working the same old 9 to 5? Want to be your own boss? Go digital! Get online and start your business today!

Money doesn’t define happiness, especially when it comes to career. A lot of the time, job satisfaction is far more important than payday.

Ask yourself: are you happy in your current job? Is there something you would rather be doing? Australians everywhere are taking to the Internet to carve themselves a new career path.

Why? Well, all you need is reliable Internet connection, a laptop or desktop computer, and somewhere comfortable to sit. You want to know the best part? You can get started online with nothing more than a one hour payday loan from a direct lender.

Cigno Loans has helped hundreds of people get their foot in the door by providing a little venture capital—funds that are in your account within hours. Think about it as an investment in your future, both professional and personal.

Okay, but where do I start?

Start online! Where else would you find inspiration for starting an online business? And if you plan on becoming an expert in a niche area of the online world, you will need to do some best practices and competitor research.

Know your niche like the back of your hand. In order to do that, study the websites and various social media channels of a successful business. What are they doing well? What aren’t they doing well? These are all questions that can help you develop your business model.

Build a website

It sounds a lot more complicated than it is. There are great website building platforms out there that don’t require extensive web development or code knowledge. Have a look at Wix and Weebly to start.

You could establish an online presence in one hour. It’s that simple. And you won’t need a payday loan from a direct lender to set it up. A lot of website builders offer free two-week trials. Input your business name and a couple of snazzy images and you are good to go.

The costs may not be much initially, but can add up. When you factor in the domain hosting (your website name), the website subscription, you’re looking at a couple hundred dollars a year. Check out the best website builders and pick one that is perfect for your needs.

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What next?

Now you have an online place to be found by prospective clients, let’s talk more about the actual business model.

Check out this list of online business ideas. Have you dreamt of being a travel consultant? A wedding or events planner? Want to open an online clothing store? There are so many ways in which you can be successful. All you need to do is take the leap!

There’s no waiting days or months for marketing campaign approval. If you want to wake up one of these paydays with a smile, knowing you’ve made your self-employment dreams a reality—contact a direct lender for a loan. Cigno Loans pays into your account the same day, often within a matter of hours.

The dropshipping craze

Have you heard about dropshipping? In short, dropshipping is a strategic e-commerce business that requires no upfront or advance payments. No asking a lender to loan you an amount till next payday.

When dropshipping, essentially, you don’t have a physical store and you don’t see the items. You are simply creating an online shopfront to distribute 3rd party goods. The 3rd party then ships the goods directly to the consumer.

No warehouse full of cardboard boxes. No rent on said warehouse. And more time spent handling the business and management side of things. It makes sense! Find out everything you need to know about dropshipping. Who knows… maybe it’s your true calling?

In conclusion

The digital world is a fickle beast. Time will not slow the technology juggernaut. Even if you aren’t considering creating an online business, getting to know the online sphere won’t hurt.

But if you are ready to take the next step in your personal business goals and need a tiny bit of venture capital to help lay the foundations, get in touch with us direct today. Or click through to Payday Advance to begin your application. We are a lender who proudly delivers financial assistance to those who need it, in a matter of hours!

You can also read more about payday loans in our previous blog post: What Are Payday Loans? Your Guide to Understanding Payday Loans

Disclaimer: Please be aware that Cigno Loans’ articles do not replace advice from an accountant or financial advisor. All information provided is intended to be used as a guide only, as it does not take into account your personal financial situation or needs. If you require assistance, it is recommended that you consult a licensed financial or tax advisor.

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