Cigno Australian Pty Ltd

Top Tips To Help You Save Fuel

Top Tips To Help You Save Fuel - Cigno Loans

Photo by Gab Pili on Unsplash

The price of petrol is constantly fluctuating, which means a trip to the service station is usually more expensive that you’d like. Luckily, there are several ways to save petrol, so these costly detours to the servo can have a smaller impact on your budget.

Feel like you pour too much of your money straight into your petrol tank? Give these fuel-saving tips a try and see the difference they make.

1. Use an App to Find the Best Prices

Technology today can do a lot of things. One of those things is telling you in seconds which nearby petrol station has the lowest price per litre right now.

Driving extra kilometres to a servo further away may not sound like a brilliant petrol-saving tip, but it works well when the price there is significantly cheaper.

Top Tip: 7-Eleven has a dedicated app for this purpose, or you may prefer a less biased app such as MotorMouth or GasBuddy.

2. Reconsider Alternative Transport

Let’s get this obvious one out of the way – just in case all you need is a small nudge to take the train more often or properly investigate your other options. If you’ve previously dismissed public transport as not being worth the effort, high petrol prices might inspire you to think again.

For example, some quick maths could reveal that scootering around the city will be cheaper than driving. Similarly, saving money could be great motivation to get back into cycling.

Top Tip: Carpooling to work isn’t just one of the best ways to save fuel – it can also cut your parking expenses. Grumpy Greg may not be your favourite co-worker, but he lives nearby and drives to work too. There’s no harm in asking.

3. Keep Your Car as Light as Possible

If your boot or backseat has become a storage space for sporting gear or a graveyard for half-empty water bottles, it’s time for a clean-out. Unnecessary weight can put a burden on your fuel efficiency, whereas a light car gets better mileage.

Top Tip: External attachments (e.g., roof racks) will increase wind resistance and fuel use so, if possible, remove them when not in use. If used, load them carefully to minimise wind resistance.

4. Don’t Be Idle

Leaving your car idling for longer than 30 seconds wastes fuel. It may be better to turn off the engine in some circumstances (such as waiting for a notoriously long red light or if you’ve pulled over to take a call).

Warning: In some cars, safety features only work when the engine is on. If this is true for your vehicle, ensure your environment is completely safe before following this fuel-saving tip.

5. Avoid Hills Where Possible

Taking the long way around a hilly suburb might not always be the fastest or most fuel-efficient route. However, it’s worth finding a way to dodge steep slopes when possible. Keeping up with the speed limit when fighting against gravity will take a toll on your petrol consumption.

Top Tip: When forced to drive uphill, try to avoid speeding up – doing so only drains more fuel and ease back on the accelerator once the car has gained speed when you drive an automatic.

6. Choose an Efficient Car

This may only apply to you if you’re currently on the market for a new vehicle. But if you are looking to buy a car, this is the most important petrol-saving tip on the whole list.

Purchasing a fuel-efficient car may cost a little more on the day, but the savings will start adding up as soon as you get behind the wheel. Additionally use the economy mode to ensure the transmission up-shifts earlier if your car’s transmission has power and economy modes.

7. Stay Up to Date with Your Car Service

Regular car service can keep running costs down and helps save on fuel. Car care best practices include:

Disclaimer: Please be aware that Cigno Loans’ articles do not replace advice from an accountant or financial advisor. All information provided is intended to be used as a guide only, as it does not take into account your personal financial situation or needs. If you require assistance, it is recommended that you consult a licensed financial or tax advisor.



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