Cigno Australian Pty Ltd

Ways To Cool Down Your House And Save Using The Air Con

Ways To Cool Down Your House And Save Using The Air Con - Cigno Loans Australia

Photo by Paige Cody on Unsplash

The temperature in Australia can easily hit 30°C during the long summers. Thanks to air conditioning, you can retreat to a cool home.

There’s a downside, though. As your AC unit works hard to quench the heat, your electric bill could spike.

Now, there are simple and effective ways to cool down your home without using your AC much.

Turn the AC off at night

You can keep your air conditioning on during the day and off at night. Take advantage as the evening air is naturally cooler.

Just open the windows or doors and let the gentle breeze cool things down. You can still enjoy some nocturnal energy savings and comfort.

Set the thermostats

When it comes to reducing your AC bill and energy consumption, every degree matters.

Setting your thermostat between 22°C and 24°C is one of the most energy-efficient ways to save. An AC unit set 1 degree warmer can cut costs by up to 10%. You’re saving on your energy bill for every degree of cooling you can do without.

Note: Do not set the thermostat less than 8 degrees below the outdoor temperature.

Consider a thermostat with a built-in timer to maximise your energy bill reduction. This way, the hours of operation are automatically set for maximum energy efficiency.

Get shady

Whenever you can get shade, take it for it will make your home stay cooler. You can’t turn down the sun, but you can turn down the heat with some shade.

Keep curtains, blinds, drapes, and awnings drawn and closed to get shady. For windows facing the sun, have a light-coloured backings for curtains and blinds as they also deflect heat.

Tinted windows can also stop some of the sun’s heat from coming in.

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Turn off heat-emitting appliances

Your home appliances — television, lamp, oven, stove, etc. — emit heat, forcing your AC unit to work harder. If not in use, unplug or turn them off.

Make a salad or any meal that doesn’t require cooking at all, or try to cook outside, perfect for summer.

Keep costs down with AC maintenance

To maintain maximum efficiency, keep your AC unit regularly maintained, and make sure the filter is cleaned or replaced. A dirty filter means higher energy costs as your AC works harder.

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Note: You should only ever borrow as little as you need and look to pay it back as quickly as you can.

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Disclaimer: Please be aware that Cigno Loans’ articles do not replace advice from an accountant or financial advisor. All information provided is intended to be used as a guide only, as it does not take into account your personal financial situation or needs. If you require assistance, it is recommended that you consult a licensed financial or tax advisor.

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