Cigno Australian Pty Ltd

Ways To Save This Christmas

Ways To Save This Christmas - Cigno Loans Australia

Photo by Juliana Malta on Unsplash

The Christmas season usually leaves you spent, both physically and financially. Instead, you should be relaxing with family and friends during the holiday, not battling the crowd and breaking the bank.

Simplify things this year with these quick and easy tips to help you save and enjoy the holiday season.

Pre-Christmas clean up

“One person’s trash is another’s treasure.”

Take time to sort out things around the house — clothes, books, furniture, and jewellery. Clear out stuff you no longer need so you could sell them online or when you hold a garage sale.

You can earn a few extra dollars and make someone else’s Christmas extra special.

List them down

Make a list of the things you need in preparation for the festive season to help you plan and keep track of your spending — the best way to avoid going over your Christmas budget.

List down those you’re gonna give gifts to, the actual items you’ll get them, and the amount you’ll be spending individually.

List down the food and drinks you’ll need. Buy them in advance, especially those that can be frozen or have a long shelf life. Don’t forget to also list down how much you can spend on them.

There are also ways to save on holiday travel costs, whether flying or driving:

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Personalise wrapping and cards

Avoid pricey Christmas wrapping by buying string and brown paper or plain coloured paper to wrap the presents.

Personalise your Christmas cards so the receiver will have a hard time throwing them away. Most people throw away their cards once they’ve opened the gifts, which is a waste of money on cards.

Smart shopping

Do a web search for discounts or coupons before you start your Christmas shopping online. There are sales sections on retailers’ websites of what they offer.

Instead of just going to one retailer’s website, search somewhere else online. You might find them cheaper.

Make sure to include any shipping costs when comparing prices, or look for items with free shipping. The cost of items can blow out once you add shipping.

For tips on how to pick an online shopping scam, check out the ACCC’s SCAMwatch website.

Limit the temptation to overspend:

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Disclaimer: Please be aware that Cigno Loans’ articles do not replace advice from an accountant or financial advisor. All information provided is intended to be used as a guide only, as it does not take into account your personal financial situation or needs. If you require assistance, it is recommended that you consult a licensed financial or tax advisor.

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