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Now that we are firmly into the new year, where are you planning on going to escape? Everyone needs a holiday, and if you are like a large percentage of Australians, you like to travel overseas.

Whatever it is you enjoy—relaxing, adventure, hot or cold climates—there is something on this list for everyone. Save up your payday and loan your pets to a friend while you explore some of the most exotic and interesting places our world has to offer.

Australia is in the perfect spot, situated in close proximity to South East Asia, a great, and affordable getaway option.

The adventure seekers often frequent our northern neighbour, Indonesia, to experience the best waves in the southern hemisphere, as well as a myriad of active volcanoes. But maybe you are thinking of travelling a little further. Is Iceland on your list? It should be, and you are about to find out why.


You have no doubt seen, or at the very least, heard about the Northern Lights—those optical illusions of green streaking through the Icelandic sky. It is a photographer’s heaven. Snow-capped mountains and glaciers pour into the surrounding ocean.

And if snow isn’t your idea of fun, try visiting Iceland in the summer time. It will still be colder than Australia. (If it is unseasonably cold, someone can loan you a jacket until payday if you are desperate!) Plenty of waterfalls, lush green valleys and hills court the darkest of volcanic sands.

The landscape in Iceland is like no other! But the landscape isn’t the only source of richness, with the culture of downtown Reykjavik being equally moving.


Cuba wasn’t always a travel option due to the embargo with the United States of America making getting there quite difficult, and virtually impossible for Americans.

But since the embargo was lifted, travellers far and wide have been filtering through the customs gates to experience the colourful heritage of the country and its capital, Havana.

Australians will still find it rather expensive to get to, but rest assured, it is well worth it. You will be feeling a million dollars in Old Havana where things really come to life.

Find a rental dealership that loans vintage cars to Australian tourists, all for a fraction of your payday income! Enjoy the salsa dancing, mojitos and more!


More and more airline services are providing flights from Australia to India, particularly Scoot. The once British subcontinent is swarming with different cultural experiences, different religious beliefs, and perhaps most importantly, different food groups.

India is the queen of curry, and the tastes and flavours differ from state to state, and even from city to city. Being a third world country, India is relatively cheap to travel. Food, accommodation and bus and train travel, depending on how long you travel for and how you spend your money, could more often than not be covered by a couple of paydays.

Or you can loan the position of tour organiser to a professional who seeks the best deals! See if you can find a tour that includes flights to and from Australia. Find out more here.


Okay, this one is for those brave souls that really don’t mind the cold. When you think of Antarctica, you probably think of polar bears and desolate snow, as well as the payday loans you would need to get there.

But, for Australians, or anyone, it really isn’t that hard to get to. From the deep south of Argentina in South America, there are cruise ships that take you to the South Pole in style. Watch the frigid waters become ice from the window of your cabin.

Most service providers, such as the Antarctica Expedition Cruise, offer all-inclusive packages. Everything is paid for which alleviates a lot of travel stress! Be sure to pack plenty of cold weather gear.

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No matter where you plan on going this year, be sure to fully immerse yourself in your host country. Explore new people, explore new cultures and new customs. Most importantly, remember to always treat the citizens of the country you are visiting with respect.

Find out some more great travel destinations worth putting on your bucket list for 2018 here.

*Learn more about payday loans here: When You Shouldn’t Apply for Same Day Payday Loans

Disclaimer: Please be aware that Cigno Loans’ articles do not replace advice from an accountant or financial advisor. All information provided is intended to be used as a guide only, as it does not take into account your personal financial situation or needs. If you require assistance, it is recommended that you consult a licensed financial or tax advisor.